There is no particular danger in a dog yawning.
However, if a dog repeatedly yawns violently or yawns for a long time, there may be a problem with the dog’s physical condition.
5 Reasons to Yawn

Relief of stress and tension
When dogs feel stressed or nervous, yawning can help reduce mental tension. This is related to the fact that yawning stimulates the autonomic nervous system and balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Physical Adjustment
Dogs can make physical adjustments by yawning. This has to do with the regulation of their breathing and circulatory systems.
This is because yawning increases oxygen intake, and oxygen to the brain has an arousing effect.
Social Communication
Dogs, like humans, sometimes use yawning as a means of communication. They can also send emotions and other information to humans.
preparatory action
Dogs sometimes yawn before they do something. By yawning, dogs can relax themselves and prepare for their next action.
Why are you yawning?

Although some aspects of why dogs yawn are still not fully understood, there are several theories.
According to one theory, dogs yawn when they are stressed or nervous.
Another theory suggests that dogs yawn to relax themselves, to feel sleepy or to reduce excitement.
Furthermore, dogs, like humans, yawn to increase their oxygen supply and promote the release of carbon dioxide, and they do so for this physiological reason.
It is believed that many factors pay for why dogs yawn, but the main reasons are thought to be stress, relaxation, and physical coordination.
By observing a dog yawning, you can determine the dog’s state of mind. Spend quality time with your dog by communicating with him a lot. If any situation arises, try to deal with it appropriately.